Best Career Options in the Future

1. Data Scientist

Data Science is one of the hottest sectors currently and for good reasons. The amount of data companies and their customers use has increased exponentially. Organizations need the expertise of data scientists to help them use that data effectively.

Seeing how the demand for data scientists has grown in the past few years, it’s certain that it will stay one of the best career options for the next decade. India comes second in the world to hire data science professionals and is below only the United States in this regard.

2. Data Analyst

While data scientists analyze the data and develop solutions by utilizing them, you need professionals who can make the data understandable for everyone too. That’s what data analysts do. A data analyst is responsible for making the complex data and its insights understandable for the general audience.
If you’re good at maths and statistics, then this is an excellent field for you. Apart from those subjects, this role requires proficiency in multiple programming languages, including Python and SQL. Data Science is among the most in-demand sectors in 2020, and it’s still a relatively new field. Entering this field will ensure that you get a future-proof career.

3. Blockchain Developer

Bitcoin was in a lot of headlines recently for giving considerable returns to its users. It’s a cryptocurrency and is based on blockchain. Many experts believe that blockchain-based technologies will revolutionize different industries due to their unique and practical potential.
Because of these reasons, pursuing a career in this tech field can be amazingly beneficial to you. You can understand how valuable blockchain developers are by seeing the demand for them in the industry. The need for blockchain skills has risen by 2000-6000% recently, and blockchain developers’ salaries are 50-100% higher than traditional development roles.

4. Digital Marketer

Do you ever wonder how businesses get customers online? If you do, then digital marketing might be the perfect field for you. Digital marketing is one of the fastest-growing industries in India. It is growing at a 25-30% annual rate in India. By 2018, India reached 500 million internet users, and as more people buy smartphones, this number will keep growing.
So it’s undoubtedly one of the best career options in the future. Another prominent advantage of this field is that it doesn’t require you to be a tech-savvy person. Digital marketing involves a combination of technical proficiency and creativity as it contains sections of both of these areas. Some of the skills you need for this sector include SEO, Content Marketing, Content Optimization, SEM, etc.

5. Cloud Computing Professional

Cloud technology helps companies in reducing operating costs and becoming more efficient. It facilitates collaboration and productivity along with those benefits. That’s why more and more companies have started implementing cloud technology. The demand for cloud computing professionals is increasing steadily, and it’s one of the best career options for next decade.
According to a survey by IDC, 64% of Indian organizations are expected to increase cloud computing demand. It noted that the impact of the pandemic had increased the demand for cloud software. You can pursue an engineering degree and focus on specializing in cloud computing. On the other hand, you can take a PG course in cloud computing to become a professional in this sector. It would help you bag this role easily.

6. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Expert

AI and ML experts are in huge demand, and it’s continuously increasing. AI and ML find applications in various industries, including finance, health, medicine, education, manufacturing, etc. According to a LinkedIn survey, AI and ML roles are among the top emerging jobs in India. Even though the demand for such professionals is very high, there’s a massive shortage of skilled and talented AI/ML experts. That’s why it’s the best time to take up this skill. Moreover, it shows that AI and ML are among the best career options for next decade. The AI sector is relatively new, and over time, it will become more competitive.

7. Cyber Security Expert

In the year 2019 alone, the number of cybercrime cases in India increased by 63.5%. As our society becomes more digitized, the threat of cybercriminals and organizations is growing accordingly. Companies and organizations all over the globe rely on cybersecurity experts to help them tackle these harsh elements.
As a cybersecurity expert, you’ll consult companies to help them understand the potential cyber threats they might face. Moreover, you’ll be responsible for assisting them in strengthening their cybersecurity implementations so they can combat hackers and malware.