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Times Today
Dehi, Saturday May 8, 2021 -Edition 2
Crypto Update

by Divij Jain

The Dogecoin mania has reached Indian cryptocurrency exchanges. Named after a meme of the Japanese dog breed Shiba Inu and with supporters including Tesla's Elon Musk, the cryptocurrency has risen over 10X in the last three months, with its market cap standing at almost $80 billion on Thursday.

NPCI, which runs UPI, refuses to ban cryptocurrency trades in India

The domestic payments authority National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has refused to ban cryptocurrency transactions, putting the onus on banks whether to ban transactions of cryptocurrency trades or not. It told banks to take a decision based on the advice of their legal and compliance departments.
Duniya ko bolo copy that

How to Reduce Mobile Usage

1. Set aside one day/week.

This is, by far, the most common approach I see among people who have taken intentional steps to curb their cell phone habit nowadays

2. Use a 30-Day Experiment to reset your usage.

For me personally, this has been the most helpful way to break my cell phone habit. My cell phone use, when not intentionally limited, tends to take over more and more of my free time. It happens unintentionally and quietly—I don’t even seem to notice it happening.

3. Use apps to bolster self-control.
There are apps for almost every problem in life. In fact, there are even some wonderful apps built to help us limit our time on our devices.

Here are some of my favorites:
Space. Set goals and track your daily progress to manage your habits.
Moment. Through short, daily exercises, Moment helps you use your phone in a healthy way.
Flipd. Lock away distracting apps for complete focus.
Screentime. Set daily usage limits on your phone or specific apps.

4. Don’t charge your phone near your bed.
Many of the negative effects of overuse (poor sleep, hindered communication and intimacy) can be eliminated by keeping your cell phone out of your bedroom. As with many of the items on this list, this is a principle I’ve found personally helpful.

5. Change your phone settings.
Among the most often suggested ideas for reducing cell phone usage, you find tips and tricks by simply changing the settings on your phone. The most common suggested ideas: Turn off notifications Set screen to black-and-white Remove distraction-based apps from your home screen Set a longer passcode Use airplane mode Turn on do not disturb

5G In INDIA...?

by Shivansh Gupta

5G is the technology that is getting all the hype in the tech world right now, mainly in the smartphones market. Almost every phone above ₹20,000 in India supports 5G. Even Mukesh Ambani has said that they’ll start providing 5G services on Jio from second half of 2021. But what is the real truth? Should 5G be one of the main points to check while buying a new smartphone right now? Let’s find out.

Just to clear it out, 5G is the 5th gen of cellular network and works on sub-6Ghz and mmWave frequencies. To operate on these frequencies, the cellular operators need to buy them in a govt auction. The Indian govt is planning to hold an auction at the end of 2021, and most of them will be sub-6Ghz frequencies. There will be testing, upgrading the existing cell towers, etc. In a nutshell, it’s a lot of work to do, and it’ll take time. So, should we think about 5G now? The answer should be- no. It will take at least 2 years (in my opinion) to kick start the operations and at least another 2-3 years to fully spread it out in the country.

"About smartphones, 5G should not be one of the main points to buy a smartphone as of now," since many people tend to upgrade their smartphones in an average of about 3 years. 5G is going to be great for mobile data users, but we’ll have to wait for quite some time to enjoy it.
Let us know if you want an article explaining more about 5G on our BCABuddy WhatsApp group.

Webiste for Free Certifications

by Divij

1. HackerRank ~ C, C#, Java, DSA and manymore.

2. HackerEarth~ technical skill assessment and remote video interviewing. Certfications in C/C++, Java , Python ...etc

3. FreeCodeCamp~ freeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that consists of an interactive learning web platform, an online community There are six freeCodeCamp certificates:

(1) Responsive Web Design (HTML, CSS, Flexbox, CSS Grid)
(2) Algorithms and Data Structures (A ton of JavaScript.)
(3) Front End Libraries (React, Redux, Sass, Bootstrap, jQuery)
(4) Data Visualization (D3.js)
(5) APIs and Microservices (Node.js, Express.js, databases)
(6) Information Security and Quality Assurance (Chai, Helmet.js, BCrypt, Passport.js)

4. Netacad by cisco~ certification in cybersecurity, IOT, Cyberops, NDG Linux I, Python, CLA: Programming Essentials in C any more than 25+ courses

What drives me the most?

by Anil Kamat

Only to keep pushing myself. I almost see life as one long college training I never had—I have a habit of learning new things everyday. Its not a degree that changes your life but pure hardcore dedication. There is an unrelenting voice in my head that never allows me to stop.I don’t believe in motivation. It’s volatile. It is my firm belief that if you want to change the world, you have to be truly driven to do it. You have to want it so bad, that even when you don’t feel like working at it, you’ll do it anyway.