Off-campus Placements Vs On-campus Placements

On-campus placements

Campus placements are events organised by the college recruitment cell or relevant authorities by forming an alliance with companies that look for similar talent as the college produces. It mostly takes place within the institution. The students in the final stage of their course are supposed to take part in this program.

Off-campus placements

Off-campus placements are primarily about looking for jobs on your own. Likely without any association with your college or university. You complete your course from an institution and then look beyond campus placements to find a job on your own, relying on your capabilities, skills and qualifications to speak for you.

What sets them apart from each other?

Talking of on-campus placements, the college takes it under their responsibility to reach out to companies and set dates for tests and job interviews. Students just need to fill up forms and register for them with the in-charge of the operations.

On the other hand, off-campus placements need you to do all the work from finding the right company, getting in touch with the HR, sending resumes, and so on.

That’s more on the basic level of what off-campus vs on-campus placements mean. Another significant difference is that you can grab a job much before your completion of the degree when it comes to campus placements. So, you can secure your future even before you pass the last semester and relax a bit knowing that you already have something significant in hand. Off-campus placements generally do not offer this kind of security.

However, off-campus placements have their own perks. They are favourable in a way that they open up job opportunities for in companies which might not be visiting your college. You can apply to whichever company you like, be it national or multi-national. The options before you are endless.

Which is tougher to crack?

The answer is definitely off-campus placements. It reasons to the fact that on-campus placements often exempt you from the first-stage test if you have scored well in your exams. Moreover, you have fewer numbers of aspirants to compete with, mostly just your class/batch mates. In off-campus placements, everyone is welcome and you have to battle with a larger pool of talent from across the country or world, as applicable.

For students with not-so-good academic scores, on-campus placements might bring on disappointment as campus recruiters often get away with all the toppers of the institution. But they can do their best in off-campus placements to get a job of their choice. There is hardly any bar to apply for off-campus placements, unlike on-campus ones.

However, even though a not-so-good score seems like the end of the world, tests like AMCAT can help you battle those demons away. The AMCAT test allows your talents to come to the fore and gives the recruiters a chance to look beyond your academic scores. This opens up more job opportunities for you both on off-campus and on-campus front.